Digital Foreplay

The Professor went in post and removed the drums and half the instruments. He said it sounds better but I will leave that up to you

Digital Foreplay

Let the wi-fi in

Open the window

I am plugged into the wall

Still tall

Big balls

Digital Foreplay

Objection that’s here say


but not rich



Used to like walking

Take my advice

Stay clean stay nice

Waiting for Godot

not answered

I invented the wheel

But poor so I steal

Killed by my boss

No sorry for the loss

Fixed dilated pupils

Plug me into power

Sixty minutes an hour

No cochlear implant

I’d stand up but I can’t

Rub my hard drive

Dead on arrival

The craniotomy

Is why she’s

forgotten me

It’s based on survival

I was born in the seventies

So save me your pleasantries

Put my RAM into port

Recorder now cool

I dropped the tool

Won’t stop ringing

So I better not stop singing

I’ll go mental

It’s borrowed rental

Screeching sound

It’s loud

Welcome to my world

Not the right pitch

Sound is a bitch

Please don’t mistake my ease

I love the woman

All of her

I love her

Behind a Card

I was talking with JT, the owner of Bondi Ink, the other day. He’s a good bloke, has a handshake like putting your hand in a pneumatic vice. It’s like shaking hands with Andre the Giant. Still, that’s better than the other way. It’s better than shaking hands with a jellyfish. At least you know he’s all there. Any way JT asked me how I was getting on so I told him. I told him I was still fighting my body and the corporation. I told him that they were now making me see a psychologist. Yeah, he said, that’s their answer to everything isn’t it. Now you can say whatever you want but I didn’t contradict him, you don’t want to argue a man with hands that big. I didn’t tell him but he was wrong. It’s not their answer to everything; it’s their question

He held the Rorscach card just below his nose and gently asked

-Now tell me what you see?

I saw the flickering fluorescent light shining off his balding head

-You hiding behind a card

-Very good but what do you see on the card?

-Um… I see Madonna holding two car tyres at arms length, she’s got her pointy breastplate on and she’s in labor giving birth to a giant crab with moth wings. You can see her uterus and she’s singing like a virgin

He gave me a look that I can’t describe in words. He took the first one down. There was a large piece of wax paper between each. His finger tapped in the air at the next one

-Ahh… that’s a bat on its way home. It’s finished eating the berries and has shit all over my driveway

He winced and inhaled sharply. It looked like he didn’t believe me. He was right. I didn’t believe me either. He started pulling the card slowly and gently down to his lap. He suddenly stopped halfway as if he was going to pull it back up but didn’t. He had hands like a lady. His fingers only ever touched the sides. He was treating the cards with such reverence. If he hadn’t put on such an act I might’ve never seen a new-age snake charmer. His actions were painted

-And now this one, he inquired?

The card looked a mangle and could have been any of four different things

-Uuum… that’s two pregnant Indian squaws with erect nipples. They’re on their knees and they’re kissing 

He studied me silently with a look somewhere between lonely and sad and took the card down to reveal the next

-And what do you see here, he asked?

-That one’s two girls kissing

The room fell silent. I felt a cold trickle of sweat drip down from my left armpit. The clock on the wall ticked.

-No, I said, that’s two women kissing

nappropriateI could see his mind working. He broke my stare and wrote something down on his pad. He then took the card down and there was another behind it

-No sorry, I said, that last one was two girl’s kissing

-And what’s this one, he said as he tapped at the corner of the picture with his pen?

His ladylike fingers were long pink and thin and his fingernails were unclipped and pointy. I wondered if a man with fingernails that long was in a position to tell me anything about myself?

-That’s three girl’s kissing, I said. I folded my arms for a punctuation stop and smiled

-And what’s this one, he asked as he peeled the card down to his lap revealing another?

I studied his nose and the big blackhead in the middle it. I wondered why he hadn’t squeezed it? The blackhead was big and full of pus and I again wondered how someone in his position could walk around like that. I wondered why he couldn’t see it?

-That’s three girls kissing one girl…

He stared at me as though he hated me. Every second felt like an hour as he held my stare. He put the cards down on the table. His left leg was crossed over his right and he kept drawing it back. He saw me staring at his body language and uncrossed his legs. His shoulders hunched and both of his hands went to his knees as he asked what I meant? I told him again

-That’s three girl’s kissing one girl… although I can’t tell if she’s enjoying it or not…

-Enjoying what? He snapped back at me with a look of annoyance on his face

-Being kissed

-This is serious you know, he said as his legs spread and his arms folded for a punctuation stop. He knew I was full of shit

-Being kissed, I asked?

-No, he said, I mean what we’re doing here today. This method is based upon decades of clinical analysis

I smiled and said

-Anal suss-suss

-No I’m serious, he demanded, what are you doing here today?

I watched as his fingers turned pinker around the picture as he gripped it tightly. I looked at the three diplomas on his wall. I thought of all the years it took him to realise what he knows. I thought of how I’d been bullied and victimized into this situation. More than half the world is crazier than I am but yet I had to prove I am sane. I thought of what I was doing there and told him the truth

-I don’t know what I’m doing here today. I wanted to know the same thing… and why are all those girls kissing?


Andrew Stuart Buchanan

Spew on a Sunday Drive

Somebody recently told me that our music is not Punk.
Anybody doing anything with a disability is as Punk as it gets. We hope this one fits the bill of “Traditional Punk”

The West Coast of New Zealand is one of the most beautiful places on the planet, with some of the windiest roads on the planet.

I had trouble with my ears as a lad and used to spew all the time on long drives

Half-Ignorance is a blessing

They were all smiling

Smiling and laughing

Their words sunk under my deaf ear

And down my back

Like half forgotten memories

I could not hear so

I did not hear

When you do not join in

They will see you as

Incomplete and Ineffectual

They will see you as

A fool

My ears felt like


So I had no dessert

I just sat

And thought about


But after watching mouths

Full of gelato still


I thought better

Ignorance is a blessing

Half is better than

None at all

Half ignorance is a

Better blessing than none at all

A S Buchanan

Bonez of le Idiote’

Hold your lips

Talk shit


Radio’s dead

Got a hole in my head

Need a D4 battery


Intellectual healing

Marked cards

That you’re dealing

I cannot stand

For my rights

They’ve been

Taken from me

Hold my hand dear

I won’t you hold

you back

I can only get better

That’s not true

I will only get worse

My life’s a drag

The lack of time is my only concern

This can’t be my lot

I just want true love

Independence Is Just a Word

Catch and release

Shear the golden fleece

Sew the fields

Put down your shield

No right from wrong

I sing this song

Come and join me

Follow on

I’m stuck in a fucking chair

I’m stuck within fucking icare

Alone and desperate I must be

Cather to help me wee

Independence is just a word

She’s apart now from the herd

I’m a slave to fashion

Feel my passion

My rights are lost

At a great cost

The payment would

Insurance loss


I shoot my jism

It feels like

I’m stuck in prison

The politician

Needs extradition

At my fullest

Reload bullets

Eat the rich

She’s still a bitch

I’m buried in

A hollow ditch

Won’t stop ringing

I’d better stop singing

I’ll go mental

It’s borrowed rental

Round the bend

You cannot mend

The doctor quack

It’s brains I lack