Broken to Fit Right/Left

Broken to fit right left

Say there’s

Undue cause

Please hold your applause

For the finish

My wish

Is for you

Make what we do right

Need teeth to bite

Fe fi fo fum

I must be dumb

Can you feel my head?

I can’t it feels numb

Say there’s undue cause

And can I stop for a pause…

Flow resinous shit

Do backflip

Bruce Lee

Had a hit

Mad shit

Perform for the crowd

Yell loud

On stage

Trapped cage

None of this is my fault

Lost the keys to the vault

Better in Darwin

Flow like I’m farming

These rhymes tight

Put ‘em up fist fight

Fe fi fo fum

Punch need rum

Are you alive inside?

Make fun deride

There’s an excerpt from the book

Have fire will cook

Medium rare

And the rabbit needs hare

To mate

Can date you

Shot for the flu

Say there’s undue cause

Put my hand up her drawers

She felt wet

Bet the house on nothing

Venus de Milo

I knew she was ugly but it wasn’t until a friend asked if she was a transvestite that I realised how ugly she was, no my friend she was not meant to be a transvestite. I started to paint over her face but liked how it looked just “whited out”. Reminds me of “Enter the Wu-Tang” somehow

An angry woman has already told me off by saying that I was depicting a woman merely by her genitalia. If you are offended by this I suggest you open a window for some fresh air

Escape From Alcatraz (Cold Nuts Remix)

The microphone is poked so I am going through and editing songs. A stb is no joke but I do remember an interview with Butch Vig about the making of Nevermind where he said KC recoiled in horror of the notion of doubling up tracks. Butch got there by telling him The Beatles did it. So if it is good enough for The Beatles I did it too. Hearing loss is no joke but it has been quiet around Bondi so I can hear better.